
A PILOT APPROACH TO STRENGTHENING COORDINATION AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT AT COUNTRY AND REGIONAL LEVELThe Global Nutrition Cluster (GNC) aims to strengthen country technical and coordination capacities to prepare for, respond to and recover from nutrition shocks.
STRENGTHENING HUMANITARIAN COORDINATION IN THE FIELD AS CLUSTER LEAD AGENCY: MESSAGE FROM OMAR ABDI, DEPUTY EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - PROGRAMMES“Cluster leadership and coordination is a critical role for effective humanitarian responses and cannot be left to chance”, points out the Deputy Executive Director for Programmes.
Welcome back to the GCCS quarterly newsletter. This edition comes full of updates we hope are of your interest!
Dear Colleagues,Happy New Year!With teams busy supporting the humanitarian response in Gaza, we would like to share some insight into how humanitarian coordination enables humanitarian assistance in the most challenging circumstances. You will also find an inspiring interview with the WASH Manager in Pakistan reflecting on the sense of possibility he found in coordination. And as usual, you will find resources and announcements that we hope will interest you.
Dear colleagues, As we enjoy the summer season, we’re excited to bring you many valuable resources and updates! Did you miss our recent webinar on the newly updated Guide on Cluster Lead Agency Accountabilities and Humanitarian Coordination? You can now watch the recording at your convenience. We’re also thrilled to announce the launch of our new website which will also host a revamped platform to conduct country Cluster Coordination Performance Monitoring. Check it out to see all the improvements. 
You may reach us by email at the Global Cluster Coordination Section at UNICEF's Office of Emergency Programmes:

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